drinks for healthy and radiant skin

11 Must-Try Drinks for Achieving Healthy and Radiant Skin

When aiming for radiant, healthy skin, nutrition is a crucial consideration. There is a strong correlation between the meals and drinks we consume regularly and skin health. Getting and keeping healthy and radiant skin may be easier with the help of some drinks that are rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. This post will examine 11 expertly crafted beverages to enhance skin health and achieve a more natural glow. You won’t get flawless skin by purchasing that overpriced facial cleanser or lotion that claims to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, acne, and age spots.

Drinks for Healthy and Radiant Skin You Need to Try

Hot Infusions

drinks for healthy and radiant skin

Hot infusions extract essential nutrients, enzymes, and fragrant oils. You can enhance hot infusions by adding flowers, leaves, and aromatic roots. Here are a few examples: ginger root, nettle leaf, holy basil, red clover, horsetail, and raspberry leaf. Adding nutrient-rich herbs to your daily routine can enhance your overall health by working harmoniously. When crafting hot infusions, the endless possibilities allow you to unleash your creativity. The steeping duration will vary according to your taste preferences and the herbs employed. Steeping certain herbs for a longer duration enhances the intensity of their flavours. Various herbs offer distinct nutritional benefits depending on the duration of steeping. Longer steeping times are known to extract a higher concentration of minerals. Herbs typically require longer steeping than black, green, or white tea leaves. 
  • Dried herbs or fresh herbs of your choice
  • Boiling water
  • A glass jar with a tight lid
  • Put 1 to 3 tablespoons of dried herbs into a tea strainer and strain the tea into your teapot or mug.
  • Bring the water to a gentle boil.
  • Submerge the herbs by pouring hot water and covering them to retain the volatile oils.
  • Let it steep for 15 minutes to 1 hour, then strain it.

Cucumber and Mint Infused Water

drinks for healthy and radiant skin

Cucumber brings a delightful burst of flavour while providing a refreshing dose of hydration and anti-inflammatory benefits. Mint can support digestion, resulting in a radiant complexion, while lemon is known for its detoxifying properties, which cleanse and alkalise the body!

  • 1 medium cucumber
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves
  • Water (about 8 cups)
  • Fill a pitcher with filtered water.
  • Thinly slice a fresh cucumber and add it to your pitcher. There is no need to crush or mash it; add the slices with the mint leaves.
  • Allow it to infuse for at least 30 minutes. Save it or keep it for future use.

Carrot Juice

Drinks for Healthy and Radiant Skin

Carrot and lemon juice have many benefits for skincare. Carrot juice contains many antioxidants, specifically beta-carotene, that can effectively safeguard the skin against the harmful effects of free radicals and prevent premature ageing. In addition, it helps to enhance the complexion, moisturise the skin, and deliver vital nutrients. Ginger has immune-boosting properties and can also act as an anti-inflammatory. It reduces fever, detoxifies the body, and relieves nausea.

  • 4 large carrots, washed and peeled
  • 1 small piece of ginger (optional for added flavour)
  • 3 tsp lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup of water
  • 1 pinch salt
  • Add the carrots and ginger to the juicer and extract the juice to begin the carrot-ginger juice recipe.
  • Increase the water amount slightly to maximise the extraction from the carrot pulp in the juicer. Transfer the juice into a jar and extract it from a fresh lemon.
  • If desired, enhance the flavour by incorporating a pinch of salt. You can modify the juice’s strength by incorporating water or extracting additional orange juice.
  • Consuming the carrot-ginger juice immediately after preparation for maximum benefits is best.

Green Smoothies

Drinks for Healthy and Radiant Skin

Fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens, are abundant sources of antioxidants. People highly regard them for their ability to protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals within the human body. Therefore, these products have the potential to decelerate the process of ageing, diminish the visibility of wrinkles, and preserve healthy and radiant skin.

  • 1 cup of frozen spinach
  • Half of a banana
  • 1 or 2 cups of frozen pineapple or mango pieces and 1-2 cups of peeled and frozen orange segments
  • ½ teaspoon of chia seeds, if desired
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Few ice cubes
  • Combine the spinach, banana, 1 cup of frozen fruit, and chia seeds (if using) in a blender. While blending, slowly add the milk and continue until the mixture is smooth.
  • Blend in the ice cubes one more time.
  • If you like a sweeter smoothie, adjust the sweetness by tasting and adding more frozen fruit. If necessary, blend with more almond milk to get a smooth consistency.

ABC Juice (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot)

Drinks for Healthy and Glowing Skin

This miraculous drink may improve your health and appearance in well-known ways. Blessed with various critical nutrients, ABC juice is the finest choice after an intense exercise session or merely to revamp your gut and skin health. You can whip up this three-ingredient health drink in no time and enjoy it as a morning pick-me-up or any time during the day.

  • An average-sized carrot
  • 1 beetroot, medium-sized
  • 1 medium apple
  • 1/3 cup of lemon juice
  • A quarter of a glass of water
  • Prepare the produce by washing and rinsing it.
  • Slice them using the peel.
  • Put everything in a blender and add water until it’s smooth.
  • Pour off the juice.
  • Drizzle liberally with lemon juice, and serve the drink cold.

Beetroot Amla Juice

Beetroot Amla Juice

Beetroot and amla are rich sources of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps produce collagen, making skin seem younger and more supple. Combining vitamin C, vital amino acids, and iron helps flush out harmful substances from the blood. Beetroot and amla’s anti-bacterial and skin-luminous properties work together in a flash.

  • 1 cup of chopped beetroot
  • 1 cup of chopped amla
  • 1/2 inch of fresh ginger
  • A Pudina leaves
  • Roasted jeera powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black salt
  • Add lemon juice if desired.
  • 1 cup of water
  • Blend the beets, amla, ginger, and pudina.
  • Blend with the water.
  • Combine the jeera powder, salt, and honey.
  • Place in a large glass and strain before serving.

Sugarcane Juice with Lemon

Sugarcane Juice with Lemon

Sugarcane juice is the most delightful surprise among all-natural beauty elixirs. This sweet nectar does wonders for our hair and skin as it entices our taste buds. A delicious treat that may revolutionise your beauty regimen, sugarcane juice is nutrient-rich and full of sweetness.

  • 2 cups of fresh sugar cane juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • Half a teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt to the white salt.
  • 1 cup of cold, iced water
  • Few mint leaves
  • Ice cubes
  • Add freshly squeezed lemon juice, honey, black or Himalayan pink salt, chilled cold water, and sugarcane juice to a blender. Blend until smooth.
  • Top with ice cubes and pour juice; serve cold.
  • Sprinkle some mint leaves on top.

Green Tea with LemonGreen Tea with Lemon

Since green tea is a powerful DNA-mending agent, drinking it may aid in the fight against skin cancer. Because it contains antioxidants like EGCG, it may protect DNA from UV radiation damage. Furthermore, it has powerful components that fight the signs of ageing. After using it regularly, your skin will feel supple again. Green tea with lemon is a wonder elixir that may minimise the appearance of blemishes and level out skin tone all at once.

  • 1 teaspoon of loose green tea leaves or one green tea bag
  • 1/2 lemon, squeezed
  • 1/4 cup of boiling water
  • Brew the tea in a big teapot.
  • The time you spend brewing your tea will depend on how strong you want it to be. Let it sit for 15 minutes before diluting it with hot water.
  • Put the lemon juice into a big jug with the liquid.
  • Enjoy it cold or hot.

Coconut Water

Coconut Water


Many people have been drinking coconut water first thing in the morning for a long time. It helps keep skin from drying out and contains minerals like potassium and calcium, which are vital for healthy skin. Its high antioxidant content makes it worthwhile in the fight against harmful free radicals and pollutants. It helps with weight reduction because of its low-calorie count and plenty of natural enzymes. It encourages collagen formation and keeps the skin supple and moisturised because of its vitamin C, B3, and B2 content. Coconut water is an electrolyte-rich natural remedy for healthy, radiant skin, and it’s among the best drinks if you consume it early in the morning on an empty stomach. It contains magnesium and potassium, which also have anti-inflammatory effects.

Bamboo Shoot and Lotus Stem Juice

Bamboo Shoot and Lotus Stem Juice

The high silica content of bamboo shoots aids in maintaining skin elasticity. You can keep your skin looking young and supple by consuming lotus stems, which are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.

  • Soak and rinse some fresh bamboo stalks.
  • Cut and peeled lotus stem
  • 1 cup of water
  • Half a teaspoon of honey or lemon juice for desired taste.
  • Thinly slice the lotus stem and bamboo shoots.
  • Get the bamboo shoots, lotus stem, and water into a blender. Mix until combined.
  • Remove any fibrous parts from the juice by straining it.
  • Chill the juice before serving it in a glass. For more flavour, you may add honey or lemon juice.


Incorporating these 10 carefully prepared drinks into your diet may provide a variety of nutrients for healthy and radiant skin. However, remember that having healthy skin also necessitates a regular skincare regimen, hydration, managing stress, and getting enough sleep. Healthy, glowing skin reflects a person’s inner vigour and wellness, and it may be ours via deliberate dietary and skin care decisions. Try These Skin-Boosting Drinks for Healthy and Radiant Skin. I wish you radiant, healthy skin!

The Role of Nutrition in Skin Health

We may avoid lifestyle-related disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure, and others by eating healthily. Did you know that what you put into your body has a direct correlation to the condition of your skin? Healthy, radiant skin is directly related to getting enough of the essential micronutrients critical to your overall health. If you want to know how to prevent skin problems—including acne, UV damage, ageing, pigmentation, and dehydration—through a proper diet, read this article.

Hydration’s Impact on Skin Health and Appearance

Improving skin suppleness via hydration helps diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Sunburn and other kinds of ultraviolet (UV) damage are more likely to occur on skin that isn’t well moisturised. Keeping your skin hydrated is an effective way to shield it from the sun’s damaging effects. Also, it may help regulate oil production, which means fewer breakouts.