ayurveda how to gain weight
ayurveda how to gain weight

Healthy Weight Gain with Ayurveda: 15 Ayurvedic Remedies

Ayurveda offers a unique perspective for those seeking a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to weight gain. Unlike conventional methods that focus solely on calorie intake and protein supplements, Ayurveda considers the overall health of the body, mind, and spirit. This ancient science of life provides potent herbal formulations that support healthy weight gain and enhance overall well-being. This article will delve into 15 Ayurvedic remedies that have shown remarkable results in naturally increasing weight gain. These solutions are meticulously designed to improve digestion, boost metabolism, and maximise nutrient absorption in your body.

How to Weight Gain with Ayurveda

Establishing a Routine for Meals and Sleep:

Proper nutrition is critical while starting a weight gain journey. A healthy, calorie-rich diet is vital. Making nutrient-dense smoothies a regular part of your diet is an easy way to increase caloric intake. To maximise the benefits of any strength training program, consistency is critical. The first stage in enhancing your general well-being is acknowledging the importance of a decent night’s sleep. If you want reassurance that you’re progressing correctly, seeing a nutritionist or doctor is not just necessary; it’s a supportive and guiding step. Ask your doctor or a nutritionist for specific recommendations, and feel free to change your program as needed. There should be no deviation from a planned strategy. A medical expert or trained nutritionist may provide more tailored advice, offering the support and guidance you need on your journey.

Consuming Foods Rich in Carbohydrates:

A balanced strategy for healthy weight growth should include dietary supplements with nutrient-dense meals. Carbohydrates that are gentler on the digestive system are best sourced from legumes, starchy veggies, and whole grains. If you want to eat healthily and stay on top of your game, try eating avocados, almonds, seeds, and olive oil.  These meals are only complete with the healthy fats necessary for good health. Furthermore, a varied diet abundant in high-quality proteins is essential. This includes eggs, dairy, lean meat, vegetarian or vegan choices, etc. Make sure your meals include these important nutrients if you want to maintain a healthy weight. Dietitians may help develop a personalised eating plan, so it is necessary to choose nutrient-dense meals rather than calorie-laden ones.

Taking Herbal Supplements:

Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Triphala are popular herbal supplements that promote healthy weight gain by improving appetite and digestion. Shatavari enhances overall health by aiding digestion and promoting hormonal balance. Triphala is incredibly effective in regulating digestion and elimination and maintaining balanced blood sugar levels. While these herbs can positively impact your health, following the recommended dosages and consulting with a healthcare professional before adding new supplements to your daily routine is essential.

 Ayurvedic Therapies to Promote Strength and Energy:

Abhyangam, an Ayurvedic massage that uses warm herbal oils, has the potential to boost strength and energy levels, potentially leading to a healthy weight gain. This text highlights the benefits of increased circulation, which can enhance nutrient distribution and stimulate the digestive system, resulting in improved absorption of nutrients. Abhyangam is a source of relaxation and contributes to overall well-being, indirectly assisting in achieving a healthy weight. It is advisable to seek professional guidance.

Eat 3 Times Meals

In Ayurveda, maintaining a steady and balanced diet is essential for a healthy weight increase. Aim for three balanced meals every day that include a variety of nutritious foods such as grains, veggies, fruits, dairy, and healthy fats. Some Ayurvedic texts suggest that eating five smaller meals daily may improve digestion and speed up metabolism. There must be a strong emphasis on eating nutrient-dense meals and avoiding processed foods.

Benefits of Healthy Weight Gain

• Balancing doshas: Ayurvedic practices aim to optimise the body’s energies.
• Enhancing metabolism: Ayurvedic practices aim to recalibrate metabolism for better nutrient absorption.
• Deep tissue nourishment: Herbs and remedies promote deep nourishment, aiding weight gain.
• Overall vitality: Ayurvedic methods support digestive health and enhance vitality, contributing to healthy weight gain.

Herbal Remedies for Weight Gain with Ayurveda

Raisins and figs 

Ayurveda suggests that eating more fruits like raisins and figs will help you healthily gain weight. In addition to their delicious natural sweetness, these fruits are packed with essential nutrients. You can keep your weight in check by soaking them in water for the night and then eating them in the morning. Figs are a great source of calories and minerals that may aid in weight growth, while raisins are a great source of critical fatty acids.


Ashwagandha, an Ayurvedic herb, has the potential to aid with weight loss efforts. Some of the issues mentioned in this book—the need to correct hormone imbalances, improve digestion, and reduce stress—may affect weight gain. Ashwagandha Lehyam, an Ayurvedic remedy that promotes healthy weight gain and improves overall well-being, is one of the most well-known ashwagandha-based medicines.


Many people believe that the Ayurvedic herbal jam chyawanprash will not make them gain weight. However, it may help with weight maintenance by improving digestion and metabolism. Taking it as a supplement before meals may increase your appetite and nutritional absorption.


The Ayurvedic tradition regards the herb Shatavari as a beneficial medical tool due to its rejuvenating and energy-boosting properties. This substance aids in healthy weight gain by promoting perfect digestive health, reducing stress, and stimulating appetite. Maintaining a healthy weight is a bonus of its ability to control hormones and improve overall health.


According to Ayurveda, Yashtimadhu—also called licorice or mulethi—promotes healthy weight growth and restores energy to the body’s tissues. It also contributes to weight maintenance by supporting a healthy digestive system, strengthening the immune system, and increasing stamina.

Badam Pak

Combining the lusciousness of almonds with a melodic mix of natural substances like ghee, cardamom, saffron, and jaiphal, Badam Pak is a traditional Ayurvedic supplement. This food is excellent for encouraging healthy weight growth because it contains healthy carbs, proteins, and fats. Those trying to put on healthy weight may also benefit from its ability to strengthen resilience and combat weariness.

Mango Milkshake

Ayurveda frequently recommends mango as a nutritious choice for underweight individuals who want to increase their weight. When mixed with milk, mango is thought to nourish the body’s tissues and improve strength. A mango milkshake is a delicious and nutritious choice for individuals who want to increase their weight. It combines the nourishing qualities of mango with the wholesome benefits of milk. Maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle is essential, even when enjoying sweet and rich foods.


Because of its outstanding digestion and weight control benefits, Triphala is highly esteemed in Ayurveda. Its ability to flush out harmful substances and promote healthy digestion is well-known. This article highlights the many health advantages that may improve digestion and indirectly help with weight control, even though it is not usually linked with weight gain.


Vidarikand, also known as Pueraria tuberosa, is a renowned Ayurvedic herb that is highly regarded for its remarkable capacity to enhance healthy body weight and promote muscle development. It’s especially beneficial for individuals with a lower body weight who are seeking to gain healthy body mass. Vidarikand is known for its rejuvenating effects on the entire body.

Safed Musli

Safed Musli, scientifically known as Chlorophytum borivilianum, has long been valued for its aphrodisiac and adaptogenic properties. Although not directly linked to weight gain, it can provide advantages such as enhanced energy and vitality. These benefits could indirectly assist in weight gain, particularly for underweight individuals aiming to build lean muscle mass.


Integrating herbal formulations into your daily routine can significantly impact those seeking to gain weight healthily with Ayurveda. The five remedies discussed are widely recognised for their natural ability to enhance body mass while promoting overall balance and well-being. Ayurveda prioritises holistic health, ensuring weight gain while maintaining overall well-being. If you’re facing challenges with maintaining a healthy body weight or aiming to improve your physique, these Ayurvedic solutions provide a reliable and efficient way to reach your desired outcomes. Discover the profound insights of Ayurveda and embark on a transformative path towards a more balanced and vibrant body.


Q. What are the best Ayurvedic herbs for weight gain?

Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Yashtimadhu, Vidarikand, and Safed Musli are renowned for promoting healthy weight gain by enhancing digestion, increasing metabolism, and improving nutrient absorption.

Q. How do Ayurvedic formulations help in weight gain?

Ayurvedic formulations improve digestion, boost appetite, and optimise nutrient absorption, ultimately promoting healthy weight gain.

Q. Are there any side effects of using Ayurvedic remedies for weight gain?

Ayurvedic remedies are generally safe when used as directed. However, seeking guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner is crucial to determining the correct dosage and formulation for your needs.

Q. How long does it take to see results with Ayurvedic weight gain remedies?

The time frame for seeing results can vary depending on factors such as metabolism and adherence to the regimen. Typically, noticeable changes may take a few weeks to a few months.

Q. Can Ayurvedic weight gain formulations be used alongside other medications?

Although Ayurvedic formulations are generally safe, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider and an Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure they do not interact with any medications you are taking.