how can we lose weight fast
How Can We Lose Weight Fast

How Can We Lose Weight Fast: Proven Tips for Fast Weight Loss

Getting in shape can be challenging, but sometimes, you need to see results quickly. Quick weight reduction may improve your life, whether preparing for a big event, going on vacation, or just wanting to feel better about yourself. Losing weight in a healthy and lasting manner is essential to prevent jeopardising your health. If you want to lose weight but are worried about harming your health, this article will show you how to do it safely and rapidly.

How Can Herbs Help to Lose Weight Fast?

For ages, people have turned to herbs as a safe and efficient option to aid their weight reduction journey. With their unique properties, these herbs can help with metabolism, hunger suppression, and digestion. For example, capsaicin in cayenne pepper boosts metabolism and inhibits hunger, while ginger naturally lowers hunger and may help decrease inflammation. Another plant that increases metabolism and fat burning is green tea, which contains a lot of catechins. Understanding the role of these herbs in weight loss can empower you to make informed decisions about your health.

Mint may assist with digestion and reduce unhealthy food desires, while turmeric’s anti-inflammatory characteristics help alleviate weight-related inflammation. In addition to ginseng’s ability to boost energy levels, licorice root helps lessen cravings for sweets, making it more straightforward to maintain an exercise regimen. Lastly, cinnamon may aid blood sugar regulation, decreasing the desire for junk food. If you want to lose weight quicker and reach your objectives, adding these herbs to your diet could help. But before you include any new herbs into your diet, it’s best to talk to your doctor.

Things you can do to lose weight

Some suggestions for weight loss:

  1. Eat fewer calories than you burn off to create a calorie deficit.
  2. Get your heart rate up and your muscles strong by exercising regularly.
  3. Ensure you get plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  4. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  5. Ensure you sleep enough every night, which is nine to ten hours for adults.
  6. Take a deep breath, do yoga, or meditate to control your stress.
  7. Mix your exercise program with high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  8. Increase your protein intake to increase muscle mass and speed up the metabolism.
  9. Limit sugar consumption, processed meals, and saturated fats.
  10. A meal journal or smartphone app might help you keep track of your progress.
  11. Ensure you exercise adequately by walking or using the stairs throughout the day.
  12. Incorporate more fibre-rich foods into your diet for better digestion and appetite regulation. Drink green tea or any other calorie-free beverage to improve your metabolism.
  13. Strength training activities increase muscular mass and metabolic rate.
  14. Maintain a steady routine and have patience as you shed pounds.

 10 Ayurvedic Herbs That Can Help to Lose Weight Fast

1. Triphala – Enhances digestion and metabolism
2. Guggul – Boosts metabolism and fat burning
3. Garcinia Cambogia / Malabar Tamarind / Kudampuli  Suppresses appetite and inhibits fat production
4. Ashwagandha – Reduces stress and anxiety-related eating
5. Vrikshamla (Garcinia indica) – Suppresses appetite and inhibits fat production
6. Ginger – Enhances digestion and boosts metabolism
7. Cinnamon – Regulates blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity
8. Cayenne Pepper – Boosts metabolism and suppresses appetite
9. Fenugreek – Reduces hunger and improves digestion
10. Licorice Root – Reduces cravings and improves metabolism


how can we lose weight fast

Benefits of Triphala:

It speeds up the metabolic rate and burns more fat
Minimises food cravings and satiety
Aids in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients
Increases vigour and energy
Aids in maintaining normal blood sugar levels

Recommended Dosage:

For optimal results, it is recommended to take a daily dose of 500-1000 mg. This can be achieved by consuming 2-3 capsules or 1-2 tablespoons of Triphala powder.
For best results, it is advised to consume Triphala two or three times daily, preferably with a warm glass of water or tea.


First thing in the morning: energy and metabolic boost
Before going to sleep: To alleviate gastric distress and decrease fluid retention


Combine Triphala with herbs like Ashwagandha, Green Tea, or Garcinia Cambogia to increase its effectiveness.


how can we lose weight fast

Benefits of Guggul:

Raises metabolic rate and calorie expenditure
Decreases adipose tissue and cholesterol levels 3. Minimises food cravings while enhancing digestive health
Increases vigour and energy
Fifth, it promotes normal thyroid function.

Recommended Dosage:

A daily dose of 500-1000 mg of Guggul extract takes one or two capsules or tablets.
Take 1-2 times daily with hot water or tea.


To increase energy and metabolism first thing in the morning
Before exercising: To improve fat loss and stamina


Triphala: Promotes better digestion and a trimmer waistline
Garcinia Cambogia: Reduces hunger and blocks the formation of fat
Green Tea: Energy and fat burning are both boosted by green tea.

Garcinia Cambogia / Malabar Tamarind / Kudampuli

how can we lose weight fast

Garcinia Cambogia / Malabar Tamarind / Kudampuli  Benefits:

Minimises food cravings and satiety
Prevents the accumulation of excess fat
Boosts energy and metabolism
Boosts metabolic rate and aids in losing weight

Recommended Dosage:

Every day, take 500–2000 milligrams of Garcinia Cambogia.
You should take it 30-60 minutes before eating.


How to Take Garcinia Cambogia:

– To increase energy and metabolism first thing in the morning
– To curb hunger and lessen desires


Green Tea: Speed up your metabolism and burns more fat
Guggul: Help with your thyroid and shed those extra pounds
Ashwagandha: A natural remedy for anxiety and stress


how can we lose weight fast

Ashwagandha Benefits:

Lessening the impact of stress and anxiety on food intake
Increasing energy and metabolic rate
Boosting metabolic rate and increasing satiety
Enhancing the depth and regularity of sleep
Helping to maintain normal cortisol levels

Recommended Dosage:

300-500mg of Ashwagandha extract per day
Consume 1-2 times a day, with warm water or tea


30 minutes before breakfast, take one 300–500 mg tablet or capsule with a glass of warm water or tea. This will benefit your metabolism faster and give you more energy all day.
Take one 300–500 milligram pill or capsule with a glass of warm water or tea thirty minutes before you want to exercise. This makes exercising longer and more effective at burning fat.
Before you turn in for the night, take one 300-500 mg tablet or capsule with a glass of warm water or tea. This will help you unwind, calm your mind, and lose weight while you sleep.


Garcinia Cambogia: Reduces hunger and blocks the formation of fat
Green Tea: Speeds Up Your Metabolism And Helps You Burn Fat
Guggul: Promotes healthy thyroid function and decreased body fat

Vrikshamla (Garcinia indica)

how can we lose weight fast

Vrikshamla (Garcinia indica) Benefits: 

Losing weight is easier with the help of Vrikshamla since it reduces hunger pangs and boosts metabolic rate.
In addition to promoting good bacteria in the digestive tract, it aids digestion and alleviates stomach symptoms.
Vrikshamla is an antioxidant powerhouse that protects cells from oxidative stress and cell damage.
It aids in weight reduction and general health by reducing inflammation.

Recommended Dosage:

2 to 3 times a day, just before meals, take 500 to 1000 milligrams of Vrikshamla extract.


Start your day well by taking one 500-1000 mg tablet or capsule half an hour before breakfast with a glass of warm water or tea. This will boost your energy and metabolism all day long.
Take one 500-1000 mg pill or capsule 30 minutes before lunchtime with a glass of warm water or tea. During the day, this will help you burn fat and lose weight.
Mix with a glass of warm water or tea to take one 500-1000 mg pill or capsule 30 minutes before supper. This aids digestion and weight reduction while you sleep.


Triphala: Reduces bloating and improves digestion
Guggul: Promotes reduction of weight and healthy thyroid function
Ashwagandha: Reduces stress and anxiety-related eating


how can we lose weight fast

Ginger Benefits: 

Therapeutic enhancement
Reducing food intake
Raising the rate of fat loss
Enhancing the digestive process
Minimising pain

Recommended dosage:

Every day, eat a teaspoon or two of fresh ginger.
Sip ginger tea two or three times daily.
Spice up your food and drinks with ginger.
Twice or thrice a day, take 250–500 milligrams of ginger supplement.


To increase energy and metabolism first thing in the morning, try eating 1-2 tablespoons of raw ginger or drinking ginger tea half an hour before breakfast.
For better digestion and less hunger, try drinking ginger tea or eating 1-2 tablespoons of raw ginger 30 minutes before each meal.
Drink ginger tea or take a 250-500 mg ginger supplement between 2 and 3 p.m. to avoid a slump in energy and metabolism.
To maximise fat burning and performance during exercise, try eating 1-2 tablespoons of raw ginger or drinking ginger tea 30 minutes before your workout.
For better digestion and a more restful night’s sleep, try drinking ginger tea or taking a 250-500 mg dosage of ginger 30 minutes before bedtime.


Boost your metabolism with the help of lemon and honey
Boost your metabolism with green tea
For better blood flow, try cayenne pepper.
Curcumin for inflammation reduction



Cinnamon Benefits: 

Controlling glucose levels in the blood
Therapeutic enhancement
Reducing food intake
Raising the rate of fat loss

Recommended dosage:

Take 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 grams) of cinnamon powder daily, split into 2-3 doses.
Two to three cups (16 to 24 ounces) of cinnamon tea, split into two or three doses daily.
Dosage: 500–1000 milligrams of cinnamon, split into two or three daily dosages.
Cinnamon Oil: 5–10 drops daily, spritzed into meals and beverages.


For better blood sugar regulation and a faster metabolism first thing in the morning, try adding 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to your breakfast or drinking cinnamon tea half an hour before you eat.
To help curb hunger and speed digestion, consume half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder or make cinnamon tea and drink it half an hour before each meal.
If you need a pick-me-up between two and three in the afternoon, try drinking cinnamon tea or taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
To maximise fat burning and performance during exercise, try eating half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder or drinking cinnamon tea half an hour before you hit the gym.
To help control blood sugar and have a good night’s sleep, try drinking cinnamon tea or taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder 30 minutes before turning in.


For long-term success in losing weight, try adding cinnamon to your healthy eating and exercise routine.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper Benefits:

Therapeutic enhancement
Reducing food intake
Raising the rate of fat loss
Enhancing blood flow


Half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 30 minutes before breakfast in the morning
Include 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in your meal preparation 30 minutes before each meal.
Thirty minutes before your workout, take 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
Take a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper before you hit the hay for the night.

Recommended dosage:

Every day, begin with an eighth teaspoon (0.5-1g) and work up to a quarter teaspoon (1-2g).
Dosage: 2–3 grams (2–tsp) daily


For long-term success in losing weight, try combining cayenne pepper with other good eating and lifestyle choices.
To enhance the flavour of cayenne pepper, dilute it with water or juice.
To alleviate indigestion, consume cayenne pepper with meals.



Fenugreek Benefits:

Reducing food intake
Minimising pain
Making people more sensitive to insulin
Therapeutic enhancement


Half an hour before breakfast, take 500–1000 milligrams of fenugreek capsules or 1–2 tablespoons of fenugreek powder.
Half an hour before each meal, take 500–1000 milligrams of fenugreek seeds or 2–4 tablespoons of fenugreek powder.
Thirty minutes before working out, take 500–1000 mg of fenugreek pills or 1–2 tablespoons of fenugreek powder.
Before you turn in for the night, take 500–1000 mg of fenugreek capsules or 1–2 tablespoons of fenugreek powder, whichever you choose.

Recommended dosage:

Take two or three capsules daily with 500 to 2000 milligrams of magnesium.
The recommended daily powder dosage is 1–4 tablespoons, split into 2–3 doses.
Tea: simmer 1–2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in boiling water for 1-2 glasses daily.


Fenugreek is best used with a balanced diet and regular exercise to help people lose weight and keep it off.
To keep indigestion at bay, drink plenty of water when taking fenugreek.
For less gastrointestinal distress, use fenugreek with meals.

Licorice Root

Licorice Root

Licorice Root Benefits:

Minimising pain
Controlling glucose levels in the blood
Reducing food intake
Therapeutic enhancement


30 minutes before breakfast, take 400–800 milligrams of licorice root as a pill or one to two tablespoons of powder.
Take 400–800 milligrams (mg) of liquorice root in a pill form or 1–2 teaspoons (tsp) of powdered licorice root thirty minutes before each meal.
Thirty minutes before working out, take 400–800 milligrams (mg) of licorice root as a pill or one to two teaspoons (tsp) of powder.
Take 400–800 milligrams (mg) of licorice root in a pill form or 120 milligrams (mg) of powdered licorice root 30 minutes before bedtime (optional).

Recommended dosage:

Three to four 400–1600 mg capsules per day, spaced apart.
The recommended daily powder dosage is 1–4 tablespoons, split into 2–3 doses.
Make 1-2 cups of licorice root tea daily by steeping 1-2 tablespoons of the root in boiling water.


If you want your weight reduction efforts to last, licorice root is an excellent addition to a balanced diet and regular exercise.
To avoid indigestion, drink plenty of water when taking licorice root.
If you suffer from indigestion, try taking licorice root with your meal.


Do you want to lose weight fast? A well-planned strategy, perseverance, and commitment are necessary for rapid weight loss. Use the tactics and recommendations in this article to get a head start on your weight reduction journey and reach your goals quickly. But remember, for long-term success, it’s essential to prioritise durable lifestyle improvements over fast cures. With determination and the correct attitude, you can change your physique and discover a happier, healthier self. End the struggle with your weight by beginning your weight loss journey now and commit to the lifestyle changes that will lead to lasting results.