ashwagandha for hair loss
ashwagandha for hair loss

Hair Fall: Control Hair Loss Naturally with Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, an esteemed herb in Ayurvedic medicine, is well-known for its wide range of benefits, including its positive effects on hair health. Ashwagandha is a powerful aid in preventing hair loss and premature greying. As an adaptogen, Ashwagandha empowers you to balance hormone levels, reduce stress, and enhance scalp circulation. Adding Ashwagandha to your hair care routine can result in stronger hair roots, enhanced hair growth, and the maintenance of your natural hair colour. This solution gives you the power to achieve healthy and vibrant hair.

What is Ashwagandha?

The extract derived from the Ashwagandha plant is commonly utilised as a natural remedy for various ailments, including hair and skin problems and respiratory issues, owing to its therapeutic qualities. Ayurveda recognises that the physiology of every human body is influenced by three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Minor imbalances in these dosha ratios can lead to various health issues concerning the hair and scalp. It is crucial to prioritise the well-being of our body, mind, and soul to maintain a harmonious balance of the doshas. The doshas are essential for maintaining balance in both the body and mind. Ashwagandha can balance the body’s three doshas, which can positively affect hair regrowth by soothing the aggravated Kapha and Vata doshas.

How to Use Ashwagandha to Reduce Hair Loss

Supplement: Ashwagandha is a versatile plant that can be applied topically or used as a capsule or powder for oral consumption. It is a consistent product, so regular use is necessary to see results. Many hair supplements now include ashwagandha in their formulations, making incorporating an oral dosage into your wellness regimen easier.

Make a Pate: Mix powdered ashwagandha with water to improve scalp health and create a paste. Direct application to the scalp enables the utilisation of antioxidants.

Mix it into Your Morning Coffee: In addition to taking oral supplements, ashwagandha can also be easily incorporated into your morning routine by adding it to your coffee, tea, or water, allowing you to enjoy its numerous benefits. Nevertheless, this approach is less widely embraced because of its noticeable scent.

Tropical Application: When it comes to topical application, one way to use ashwagandha is to combine it with shampoo and let the mixture sit on the scalp for a few minutes. On the other hand, Nazarian presents a different perspective, stating that there is not enough data to support the use of this product for hair growth.

Benefits of Ashwagandha for Your Hair Loss

Postpartum Hair Loss Control: Ashwagandha is a natural herb that effectively addresses hair loss by regulating follicular damage and blood cortisol levels. It also aids in reducing stress and anxiety while boosting the body’s production of DHEA, a hormone that combats free radicals and is crucial for hair health. This can be beneficial for postpartum hair loss. Reducing free radical-induced oxidative damage can achieve thinner and healthier hair.

Help in Conditioning Hair: Ashwagandha is packed with vital proteins, vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nourishing compounds that provide essential care for hair follicles. The product has multiple benefits for hair, such as boosting DHEA production, promoting collagen production in the sebaceous organ, and enhancing sebum production. The substances in this product nourish the skin and hair on the scalp, effectively repairing dry and damaged hair while keeping the skin moisturised.

Help in Conditioning Hair: Ashwagandha is highly effective in soothing scalp irritation caused by various skin conditions, including eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, and allergies. This product has a relaxing effect on the scalp, which helps to create the perfect conditions for promoting hair growth. Ashwagandha is renowned for its remarkable capacity to combat premature greying of hair. This product includes tyrosine, an amino acid that helps stimulate melanin production in the skin and hair follicles.

Scalp Irritation Control: Ashwagandha is renowned for regulating the thyroid’s chemicals, vital for controlling a wide range of bodily functions. The topic discussed here is the impact of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism on hair growth patterns. Furthermore, it effectively addresses scalp inflammation by targeting the bacteria responsible for causing it. This promotes a more vigorous hair growth cycle. Ashwagandha is a precious asset for enhancing the well-being of your hair and overall vitality.

Side Effects of Ashwagandha

• Short-term use safe for up to 3 months.
• Digestive issues may occur with large doses.
• Rarely severe liver problems may occur.
• Avoided during pregnancy due to potential miscarriage risk.
• Best avoided for autoimmune diseases.
• May slow down the central nervous system during surgery.
• Consultation is recommended before use.

Can Ashwagandha Reverse Grey Hair?

No scientific evidence supports the claim that ashwagandha or any other herbal supplement can change hair colour. It recognises the underlying factors contributing to greying hair, including stress. Furthermore, this substance possesses antioxidant properties that aid in combating oxidative stress, an imbalance between free radicals and the body’s capacity to counteract them. Imbalances such as this have been associated with the development of grey hair. While ashwagandha may not have the power to reverse grey hair, there are indications that it could help prevent premature hair greying.

How Much Dosage of Ashwagandha is Safe?

Research has indicated that people have been consuming a daily dose of 1000mg of ashwagandha. In addition, it states that high doses can lead to gastrointestinal discomforts, such as upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. To prioritise your safety, following the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) when using a supplement for ashwagandha hair loss is crucial. Before starting to take Indian ginseng, it is recommended to consult with a medical professional. The dosage required may differ depending on individual requirements. Specific individuals may benefit from gradually increasing their ashwagandha intake to develop tolerance. No studies have been conducted on its long-term use.

Can Ashwagandha Cause Hair Loss?

There is currently a significant amount of discussion surrounding the numerous benefits of ashwagandha, particularly about promoting healthy hair growth. On the other hand, some individuals may encounter hair loss as a side effect of ashwagandha consumption. This non-medicinal herb is known to boost testosterone levels, which is why it can lead to the described effects. Turning to DHT can lead to hair loss in individuals genetically predisposed to pattern baldness. Only some people are a good fit for ashwagandha hair loss therapy. Additionally, individuals with androgenetic alopecia who use this treatment for hair fall may experience further hair loss. Although it can lead to the development of excessive facial hair, this can pose a challenge for women.


Before incorporating any herbal supplement into your routine, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional to determine its suitability for your specific health requirements. It’s also important to note that while Ashwagandha is generally safe for most people, some individuals may experience side effects or allergic reactions. Discover the incredible benefits of Ashwagandha and how it can enhance the vitality of your hair, allowing you to adopt a holistic approach to caring for your hair.


Q. How does ashwagandha help with hair loss?

With its unique ability to balance hormones, reduce stress, and improve scalp circulation, ashwagandha is a powerful ally in the fight against hair loss. These effects not only improve the roots of your hair but also promote its healthy growth, giving you reassurance and confidence in its effectiveness.

Q. Can ashwagandha prevent premature graying?

Yes, ashwagandha may help prevent early ageing by boosting melanin production, maintaining scalp health, and retaining natural hair colour.

Q. How should I use ashwagandha for hair health?

A dietary supplement, ashwagandha is topically applied in hair oils or masks or used in shampoos and conditioners blended with the herb to enhance hair condition. See a healthcare provider always before starting any new supplement.