herb to boost immune system
herb to boost immune system

Boost Your Immune System with These Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurvedic herbs and vitamins have long been a traditional treatment component, providing natural ways to boost the immune system and combat infections. These ancient remedies still work effectively with modern medication when managing viral diseases and bolstering the immune system. This all-inclusive health and wellness reference teaches you about sixteen powerful antiviral herbs and supplements, including NAC, garlic, lemon balm, and more. Boost your immune system with 15 powerful Ayurvedic herbs and supplements.

Let’s Explore the Best Ayurvedic Herbs to Boost Immune System Naturally


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

Ashwagandha has several positive health impacts, including modulating the immune system. It does double duty by modulating the immune response via increased cytokine production and by enhancing the activity of natural killer cells, which actively seek out and eliminate tumour- and virus-infected cells. The fact that it triggers an immunological response makes it potentially inappropriate for those with autoimmune diseases. Suppose you or a loved one suffers from an autoimmune disease like psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus. In that case, you should talk to your doctor before using ashwagandha as part of your treatment regimen.

Amla / Gooseberry

Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

Amla, the Indian gooseberry, is an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that strengthens protection against illness. Regular Amla consumption boosts immune system power, thereby enhancing body illness resistance. Fibre, bowel movement management, constipation avoidance, and digestive enzyme activation promote digestion. Including amla in your diet can benefit you in various aspects relating to your health.


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

The potential immune-boosting effects of giloy, known as Tinospora cordifolia, are well-known. It enhances the innate and adaptive immune systems by raising IL-6 levels, macrophage activation, and cytokine production. Additionally, the antioxidant characteristics of Gilroy save cells from oxidative damage. Toxin elimination, blood purification, and germ killing are all ways it helps the liver. When used consistently, it reduces the frequency of flu and ordinary colds. Including giloy in your health program can strengthen your defences.

Mulethi / Liquorice Root

Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

Mulethi, a liquorice root, is a natural immune system booster. Its unique bioactive components, including glycyrrhizin, flavonoids, and saponins, work harmoniously to enhance the immune system’s response, particularly during seasonal changes. Mulethi’s anti-inflammatory properties and ability to strengthen the immune system are remarkable. It not only combats bacterial infections but also fortifies the body’s defences, increases the production of macrophages and lymphocytes, and minimises immune-related allergic reactions and adverse effects. Incorporating mulethi into your diet can significantly enhance your immune system’s performance.


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

Over hundreds of years, Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine have used the yellow spice turmeric derived from the Curcuma longa plant. The physiologically active molecule curcumin has certain medicinal benefits. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects by altering immune cell activation and promoting immune system function. It also has antioxidant properties. Therefore, phytochemical consumption aids in combating oxidative stress and inflammation. Rich in vitamins C, iron, and potassium, turmeric is also suitable for manganese, iron, and potassium. Added to soups, curries, roasted vegetables, and rice meals, curcumin could be a supplement with unique advantages.


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

One of the many health benefits of moringa leaves is indeed the immune system. Rich in phytonutrients, moringa leaves help to boost immunity. These drugs help the immune system to become better suited for preventing diseases. Iron, vitamins A and C, and other nutrients found in moringa all work together to promote a robust immune system. For a natural way to strengthen your immune system, try eating moringa leaves.

Tulsi / Holy basil

Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

Long utilised in Ayurvedic medicine, the fantastic tulsi herb—often known as holy basil—has Tulsi, a natural means of boosting your immune system because of its plenty of zinc and vitamin C, which fight infections. Its strong antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties help against numerous ailments. The many respiratory problems include cough, fever, flu, headache, and sore throat. Tulsi is a valuable medicine because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities; the immune system gains overall from them.


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

The seeds of the neem tree, a robust plant with numerous beneficial uses, strengthen the immune system. Facilitating proper regulation of macrophages and T cells enhances bioactive and immunoreactive components such as gamma-interferon and tumour necrosis factor-alpha. A healthy immune system is essential for warding off infections, and Neem’s potent antibacterial and antifungal properties further enhance that. Including Neem in your health regimen can significantly boost your immune system.


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

A multipurpose room with excellent taste, ginger has several medicinal properties. It has over 400 natural components, some of which are anti-inflammatory. Ginger helps with effective digestion, pregnancy, and chemotherapy-related nausea. Made by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water for at least ten minutes, ginger tea is a tasty and relaxing substitute for commercial ginger drinks. Including ginger in your diet will help you maximise its immune-boosting power.


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

A well-known Ayurvedic herbal remedy, Triphala has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Suppressing the immune system and increasing the production of antibodies strengthens the body’s ability to fight against diseases. Triphala contains gallic acid, ellagic acid, and chebulinic acid, which have the potential to stimulate the immune system. Additionally, it contains polyphenols and flavonoids, which possess anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics. Bibhitaki, also known as Terminalia bellirica, Amla, or Indian gooseberry, and Haritaki, meaning “king of medicine” in Tibetan, are the three individual fruits that comprise the Triphala formula. To strengthen your defences and enhance your general health, include Triphala in your wellness routine.

Black Cumin

 Black Cumin Seed

One traditional medicine people have used for a long time is black cumin, also known as black seed or Nigella sativa. Its principal bioactive ingredient, thymoquinone, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Black cumin seeds are a good source of protein, essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to bolstering immunity, black cumin seeds have shown promise in reducing inflammation, alleviating asthma, lowering blood sugar, and lowering blood pressure, according to some research. However, further research is necessary to understand how it functions fully. Seek medical advice from a qualified professional if you need personalised guidance on incorporating black cumin into your diet.


Ayurvedic herbs to boost immune system

Among garlic’s many beneficial health advantages are its antimicrobial and antiviral characteristics. Allicin and diallyl sulfide are two ingredients that work together to lower inflammatory protein levels while simultaneously stimulating the immune system. Antioxidants and sulfur-containing chemicals in garlic strengthen the immune system, making it a very advantageous food for health. Serve it with roasted veggies, stir-fries, and hearty soups. Taking it as an AGE supplement—for aged garlic extract—is a sensible move when you’re not feeling well.



Oregano has several positive health impacts, including boosting the immune system. Its high antioxidant content may help stave against cancer, heart disease, and other ageing conditions caused by free radicals. When it comes to killing germs, the antibacterial compounds in oregano are pretty versatile. Components like carvacrol have shown promising results in stopping the multiplication of cancer cells, suggesting that it may have anti-cancer properties. You may utilise oregano for various purposes, and it adds flavour to your dish. This class includes foods like roasted vegetables, stir-fries, and soups. Even more health benefits might be yours if you take it as an oil supplement.



According to traditional Chinese medicine, the herbal supplement Astragalus has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It may help prevent disease by increasing the formation of white blood cells, thanks to its beneficial plant components. Astragalus root possesses antimicrobial and antiviral properties, according to animal studies. Human viral infections, such as the common cold and liver infections, maybe more uncomplicated to combat this. However, more study is required. Astragalus contains anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties and is used in managing colds, upper respiratory infections, chronic tiredness, and other similar conditions. Heart issues and renal disorders are two different ailments that it helps address.

Lemon balm

Lemon Balm

For young, healthy adults, the minty herb known as lemon balm has a soothing and mood-enhancing effect. For menopausal women, taking it with valerian root improved their sleep quality. Lemon balm may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and boost the immune system due to the presence of antioxidant and antibacterial rosmarinic acid. Its verdant leaves’ rich mineral and vitamin content makes it an excellent digestive aid and liver stimulant. Some viral illnesses that lemon balm may help alleviate include the common cold, influenza, and shingles. As a tea, supplement, or lotion, you may include it in your routine for potential health benefits.


When taken regularly, Ayurvedic vitamins and herbs may significantly boost the resistance to immune system illnesses. These all-natural cures provide a preventative measure for health, with NAC’s powerful antioxidant qualities and the many advantages of garlic and black elderberry among them. Before beginning a new supplement regimen, discuss your health concerns with your doctor to ensure the supplement will not interfere with your existing treatment. You must listen to traditional medicine and contemporary science to be healthy and protected from viruses.