home remedies for constipation
home remedies for constipation

Simple and Natural Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

How to Alleviate Constipation Naturally with Home Remedies? Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem that affects people globally. Bowel movements that are unpleasant or uncomfortable may significantly impact a person’s ability to go about their daily life. An unhealthy diet, lack of water consumption, and lack of physical activity are three potential causes of this disease. Many people discover that natural and home remedies for constipation work better than over-the-counter medicines. This article takes a look at ten all-natural remedies that have the potential to enhance digestive wellness and the regularity of bowel motions. It gives simple, realistic solutions to a common issue.

Bowel Movement Management Tips

  • Drink plenty of water and consume fibre-rich foods.
  • Adjust bowel movement position, like squatting.
  • Establish a regular bowel movement routine.
  • Use olive oil as a natural laxative.
  • Consume warm beverages like coffee to stimulate digestion.
  • Consume molasses or prunes as natural laxatives.
  • Consume yoghurt with probiotics for gut health.
  • Regularly exercise to stimulate digestion.
  • If these methods fail, consider a glycerin suppository or an enema and consult a healthcare provider.

Home Remedies for Constipation in Kids

• Adequate hydration: Kids need 50-60 ounces of water daily.
• Increase dietary fibre: Fruits, grains, and vegetables.
• Olive oil: A mild laxative.
• Kiwi: Enzyme-packed fruit aiding digestion.
• Chia seeds and flaxseeds: Fiber-rich aids bowel movements.
• Honey: Anti-inflammatory sweetener.
• Oats: Whole grain cereals increase fibre intake.
• Plums: Effective dried plum laxative.
• Lemon juice: Citrus drink relaxant.
• Abdominal massage and bicycling: Helps pass stools.
• Regular bathroom routine: Encourages regular bowel movements.
• Consultation with a paediatrician: Always consult before trying new remedies.

20 Natural Home Remedies to Relieve from Constipation Quickly


Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal remedy, is renowned for its potential benefits in treating gastrointestinal disorders, including constipation. This remedy is a blend of three powerful herbs-haritaki, bibhitaki, and amla. It provides relief from occasional constipation and promotes regular bowel movements. However, it’s important to note that before starting a new supplement regimen, it’s always wise to consult your physician, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medication. If you have chronic constipation, it’s best to avoid this product.

Anjeer & Figs

Figs (or anjeer) contain soluble fibre, which makes them a natural laxative and possible home remedy for constipation. Soaking them in water for an hour before consumption might help with digestion and ease constipation. An apple and a glass of water or milk might help with chronic constipation. It is essential to see a medical professional before beginning a new treatment, especially for chronic conditions.

Castor Oil

The Food and Drug Administration has authorised castor oil, a natural laxative, to treat short-term constipation. This active ingredient facilitates stool transit through the colon by activating intestinal smooth muscle contractions. Beverages often include it to mask its strong taste. You shouldn’t use castor oil for long periods because of the adverse effects it could cause. Users with pre-existing conditions or other prescriptions should proceed with care while using this product.

Haritaki, Ghee & Honey

For those suffering from constipation, an Ayurvedic remedy is to mix Haritaki with ghee and honey. Mix 1 teaspoon of Haritaki powder with half a cup of hot milk. After it has cooled, stir in 1 teaspoon of ghee. A spoonful of honey would enhance the taste even more. If you suffer from persistent constipation, using this medication 30 minutes before going to bed every night may help a great deal. Before starting a new routine, especially if you have health issues, seeing a healthcare provider is wise.

Ghee with Milk

Ayurvedic practitioners have historically used warm milk and ghee to relieve constipation. A glass of hot milk should be heated first. With a spoonful of melted ghee, combine everything well. Drinking this concoction before bed might help alleviate constipation in the morning. According to some studies, consuming foods like cinnamon or turmeric may have health advantages. Although dairy products have the potential to aggravate gastrointestinal symptoms occasionally, most of the data suggesting that ghee in milk may relieve constipation comes from personal experiences. See a doctor before attempting any new therapy, particularly if you have a sensitive stomach.

Fennel Seeds

The digestive health benefits of fennel seeds include regular bowel motions and relief from constipation. Their combination of soluble and insoluble fibres makes them an effective defecation aid by increasing stool volume and facilitating better digestion. A straightforward way to include fennel seeds into your diet is to chew them after a meal. Another option is to soak them in hot water to create tea. Lastly, you may add them to salads and soups. Make an appointment with your doctor before beginning any new treatment regimen if you have serious health issues.


With its high fibre, polyphenol, and water-holding content, kiwifruit has the potential to alleviate constipation. This aids in gas reduction like psyllium and prunes assistance in transit and bowel motions. Eating a kiwi fruit daily may help with constipation and other gastrointestinal issues. However, you should see your physician before making significant dietary changes or using alternative remedies for any health issues.


Flaxseeds are a great natural alternative for constipation because of their 2.8 grams of fibre per tablespoon. Additionally, their sticky quality makes them an excellent remedy for indigestion. On a daily or twice-day basis, consume a spoonful or two of ground flaxseed—not oil or whole seeds—for the most results. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day, another way to avoid constipation. Before making any significant dietary changes, especially if you are already experiencing any health problems, it is essential to visit your doctor.


Many people find coffee a beneficial aid for constipation thanks to its ability to stimulate the colon and enhance intestinal hormones. However, the high caffeine content in coffee can potentially worsen certain medical conditions, and individual reactions may vary. This underscores the importance of seeking professional advice and moderating your consumption. Alongside maintaining adequate hydration, a well-balanced diet rich in fibre is crucial for digestive health. If you observe any changes in your health, including constipation, it’s always wise to consult a healthcare professional.

Olive Oil

There may be some benefits to using olive oil to ease constipation. This is because it coats the digestive tract with a lubricant, making bowel movements easier. The presence of oleic acid in this product has been associated with beneficial effects on cholesterol levels and bowel movements. You may experience the benefits of softer stools and relief from constipation with consistent use. To get the best benefits, take olive oil first thing in the morning without food. Getting counsel from a healthcare practitioner is crucial if you have health problems or illnesses. Safety should always be your main priority.

Lemon Juice

A natural and tasty cure for constipation is lemon juice. Warm water with half a lemon and salt is a beautiful morning beverage. A possible digestive aid and stimulant for the production of more controllable, hydrated poops is lemon juice, which is rich in citric acid. If you are expecting a child, are already breastfeeding a child, or have any other health conditions, you should see a doctor before taking this medication. The correct administration of this drug is crucial.

Hot Beverages

For those suffering from constipation, consuming hot liquids, especially first thing in the morning, may aid digestion and alleviate the condition. Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages stimulate the body to go to the bathroom more often. Juices and decaffeinated teas are hot fluids and may also encourage bowel motions. For best digestive health, drink these drinks moderately and ensure you get enough water and fibre. A healthcare practitioner may provide personalised assistance if you’re coping with recurrent constipation.

Stewed Apricots

Stewed apricots are a great way to relieve constipation because of their high fibre content and natural laxative sorbitol. All you need to do to create them is soften some dried apricots in boiling water. When you have constipation, eat some stewed apricots. Be sure to consult your doctor before adding any new items to your diet, and use caution if you have any health conditions.

Apples and Pears

Fruits like apples and pears, which have high fibre and pectin in their edible skins, may be helpful for those suffering from constipation. Pomegranates have the natural laxative sorbitol, which aids with water retention in the intestines. For the full therapeutic effect, eat the fruits with their skins still on and consume their juice twice daily, preferably just before bed and first thing in the morning. Start by making little changes to your diet; if problems persist, see a medical professional.

Blackberries and Raspberries

Because of their high water and fibre content, berries, such as blackberries and raspberries, may aid constipation. The fibre content of blackberries is 7.6 grams per cup, whereas raspberries have 8 grams per cup. A regular handful of these berries has the added benefit of encouraging bowel movements more quickly. See a doctor if you’re still worried after gradually introducing new meals.


Pulses, such as beans, lentils, and peas, are great for relieving constipation because of their high fibre content. Physicians suggest eating a large amount of fibre daily from cooked pulses. To avoid gastrointestinal problems like gas and bloating, soak and sprout pulses before cooking and mix them with grains or millets in the correct proportions. Constipation alleviation and improved gastrointestinal health might be yours with only a weekly rotation of pulses.

Whole Wheat Bread, Pasta, Bran and Cereals

Consuming whole wheat foods such as bread, pasta, bran, and cereals, which are rich in dietary fibre, may help alleviate constipation by promoting more frequent bowel movements and larger stool volume. A steady increase in fibre intake is needed for the body’s adaptation and healthy digestive system function. When trying new foods, it’s wise to take it slow and consult your doctor before significantly changing your diet.


Grapes are a nutritious and tasty option for those with constipation due to their high fibre, water, organic acid, sugar, and cellulose content. Eating raw, washed grapes is a simple method to manage bowel movements and make stool smoother. However, consult your physician before making significant dietary changes if you are worried about health issues or have previous conditions.

Yoghurt & Kefir

Probiotic foods like yoghurt and kefir aid digestion and ease constipation. Some people with disabilities have reported relief from constipation after consuming kefir. Yoghurt has helpful bacteria that may aid stool passing if consumed daily. Modify your diet briefly and talk to your doctor if you’re worried about your health.

Omega-3 Oil

Intestinal inflammation and dryness are two symptoms of constipation; omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like flaxseed, fish oil, and hemp seed oil, are anti-inflammatory and may alleviate these symptoms. Too much fish oil or poor-quality supplements could cause gastrointestinal issues, including loose stools. Make little changes to your diet and see a doctor if you’re worried about any side effects or have any prior conditions.


20 Effective Home Remedies for Constipation Relief. Medication is only sometimes the best option for dealing with constipation. Making little changes to your routine and experimenting with home cures might provide excellent comfort. To avoid constipation, all it takes is a few simple lifestyle modifications to encourage good bowel motions regularly. You may do this in several ways, including increasing your fibre consumption, drinking plenty of water, exercising often, and using natural laxatives and herbal medicines. Managing stress via relaxation methods greatly benefits intestinal health. It is essential to see a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying issues if constipation persists or becomes worse. You may live a better and more pleasant life using these home remedies for constipation.