Herbs for weight loss
Herbs for weight loss

Herbal Remedies: The Best 20 Herbs for Weight Loss

Successfully maintaining a healthy weight can be quite a feat, but you can receive substantial assistance by incorporating natural herbs into your diet. Discover ten powerful herbs to support your weight loss journey by enhancing metabolism, curbing cravings, and promoting healthy digestion. These herbs offer a natural and holistic approach to weight management, encompassing the widely recognised advantages of turmeric and ginger and the lesser-known properties of fenugreek and chia seeds. Explore the fantastic benefits of adding these powerful herbs to your daily regimen to enhance weight loss and overall health.

How Herbs Can Result in Weight Loss?

• Boosts metabolism and fat burning.
• Regulates appetite.
• Stimulates energy expenditure.
• Affects fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
• Essential part of a comprehensive weight loss strategy.
• Consult with a healthcare provider before use.

Fenugreek Seeds

Herbs for Weight Loss

Fenugreek is well known for its high fibre content, which can help reduce appetite and promote better control of overeating. It is also widely recognised for its abundant fibre content, which can expand in the stomach and promote a sensation of fullness. Thus, it is advantageous to manage calorie intake.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Dandelion is often used as a natural diuretic and is widely recognised for assisting the body’s natural detoxification processes, such as eliminating excess water weight. Including dandelion tea in your diet or adding fresh dandelion greens to salads can contribute to weight loss and alleviate bloating.

Green Tea

Herbs for Weight Loss

Green tea is widely known for its abundant antioxidants, especially catechins, that have the potential to enhance metabolism and facilitate fat burning. Studies have indicated that EGCG, a potent antioxidant, may reduce body fat and support weight management. Incorporating green tea into your weight loss routine can be a refreshing and effective way to boost your progress.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Ashwagandha, a highly respected Ayurvedic herb, is well-known for its natural capacity to promote healthy weight management. It can function as an adaptogen and antioxidant, which can help reduce belly fat and improve mental health conditions. When taken with water, Ashwagandha powder can be beneficial for managing stress and curbing binge eating tendencies. Ashwagandha extracts are highly regarded for their impressive stress-relieving properties and their potential to aid in weight loss. They are widely recognised as one of the oldest and most effective natural herbs in this regard. It is advisable to consult with a nutritionist to ensure proper usage.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Oregano contains carvacrol, an active compound linked to potential weight loss benefits. According to a 2012 study, carvacrol has shown promise in inhibiting the formation and buildup of fat cells in the body. Another study revealed that mice fed a high-fat diet and given carvacrol experienced reduced weight gain and fat accumulation compared to the control group.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Ginseng is frequently used in Eastern medicine and has been linked to potential weight loss benefits in a few research studies. According to a study, ten women with obesity were given Korean ginseng extract twice a day for eight weeks, resulting in weight loss. For some reason that remains unclear, researchers believe that the effects are connected to alterations in the gut microbiome. A recent animal study on obese mice revealed that white ginseng extract exhibited promising effects in inhibiting fat formation and slowing down fat absorption in the intestines. Once again, further research involving human subjects is necessary to determine if this applies to humans.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Cinnamon is a highly versatile herb that adds a delightful flavour to sweet and savoury dishes. It has many health benefits, such as helping with weight loss, strengthening the immune system, and supporting a healthy digestive system. It does a great job of satisfying hunger and leaving you feeling satisfied. Various ways to enjoy cinnamon include mixing the powder with water, preparing apple cinnamon detox water, or brewing a soothing cinnamon bay leaf tea.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its potential to aid in reducing excess body fat. “Inflammation in the body can lead to insulin resistance, making it difficult to lose stubborn fat,” explains Pomroy. It is a known fact that turmeric can enhance blood circulation, which is particularly beneficial since fat cells tend to have limited blood flow. Turmeric aids in the transportation of nutrients to fat cells by improving blood flow and facilitating their breakdown. Tumeric contains curcumin, a natural chemical.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Mint is a great natural energy booster that can help support your weight loss goals. According to Dr. Siamak Tabib, MD, an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA Gastroenterology and Hepatology and cofounder of MDbio, mint has been found to enhance alertness, uplift mood, and alleviate fatigue. Mint is known for its stimulating and antispasmodic properties, making it an effective natural painkiller and muscle relaxant. Peppermint oil is effective in providing relief from tension headaches. Some people even claim it can suppress appetite!


Herbs for Weight Loss

Rosemary has a fascinating historical background as a spice, owing to its extensive medicinal benefits. It is worth noting that it has also been approved in Germany for treating digestive ailments. There has been an increasing link between rosemary and its potential to curb hunger and manage weight. Rosemary contains carnosic acid, which has been discovered to aid in weight management by preventing the creation of fat cells. Furthermore, it aids in absorbing muscle glucose, decreasing blood sugar levels and potentially helping regulate appetite.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Ginger has a rich historical background in relieving nausea and digestive problems. In addition to its traditional uses, ginger has become increasingly popular among those looking for a natural way to lose weight. Ginger is widely recognised for its natural ability to curb appetite, helping to promote feelings of fullness and decrease calorie consumption. Ginger has been found to stimulate thermogenesis, potentially increasing calorie burning. Nevertheless, it is crucial to conduct human trials to validate these findings, as the potential weight-loss advantages of ginger have thus far only been observed in studies involving animals. Irrespective of how much ginger may contribute to weight loss, it is a nutritious way to add flavour to your meal.

Black Pepper

Herbs for Weight Loss

Black pepper is widely known for its weight-loss benefits thanks to piperine, an active compound in this commonly used household condiment. However, these effects have only been observed in studies involving animals and cells thus far. A study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology revealed that rodents who consumed piperine experienced more significant weight loss while on a high-fat diet than those who did not drink the spice. Furthermore, a prior laboratory study revealed a connection between piperine and a reduction in the generation of fat cells.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Research indicates that cardamom may offer potential weight loss benefits, although these effects have mainly been observed in studies involving animals. A study on rats found that including cardamom in a high-fat diet resulted in a notable reduction in overall belly fat and specifically targeted belly fat over 16 weeks. A recent study discovered that when 28 rodents incorporated cardamom powder into a diet rich in fats and carbohydrates, they experienced a notable reduction in abdominal fat compared to those who did not consume the powder.

Cayenne Pepper

Herbs for Weight Loss

Cayenne is a spice that can heat your food if you accidentally add too much. Like turmeric, cayenne can also raise body temperature, which can help increase metabolism. According to Lauren Minchen, RD, adding spice to your food can help you burn up to 100 calories per meal. Add ground cayenne to your roasted nuts, soups, scrambled eggs, homemade dressings and dips for flavour.


Herbs for Weight Loss

Although it may result in unpleasant breath, incorporating more of this herb into your diet may aid in fat burning, as a study observed mice on a garlic-enriched diet losing more weight in 7 weeks than those without it. Although the effects on humans have yet to be scientifically established, there is certainly no harm in incorporating more of it into your meals. The aromatic herb adds a delightful flavour to food, mainly when using raw garlic, which is also packed with beneficial nutrients. (And don’t discard your sprouted garlic, either.)



Triphala provides diverse benefits by harnessing the potent properties of Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. This product has powerful cleansing and purifying properties that can improve digestive health and support weight management. This product’s unique formulation aids in regulating bowel movements, offering relief from constipation and supporting the efficient elimination of toxins from the body. Triphala boosts metabolism, aids digestion, and enhances nutrient absorption, resulting in more effective fat-burning and better weight management.



Shunti, also known as dry ginger or “Sonth,” has many applications beyond the culinary realm. It is widely respected in Ayurvedic medicine for its remarkable capacity to improve digestion and metabolism. This product boosts the body’s heat production, leading to a faster metabolic rate and promoting fat burning. Furthermore, this product’s anti-inflammatory properties can relieve digestive discomfort and promote overall health, making it a valuable asset for individuals aiming to shed pounds.



According to Dr Yamuna BS, Chief Doctor at Guduchi Ayurveda, Giloy, also known as Amrita in Sanskrit, is a highly regarded Ayurvedic herb known for its remarkable ability to boost the immune system. In addition, it plays a crucial role in supporting metabolic function, which can be beneficial for weight management and boosting immunity. Eliminating accumulated toxins from the body can be helpful for weight loss. Incorporating Giloy into your daily routine can have multiple benefits, including strengthening your immune system and supporting weight loss efforts.



Guggul is known for its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties. This product is effective for weight loss because it includes guggulsterone, a plant sterol that is thought to boost the body’s metabolism and assist in weight loss.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds also have appetite-suppressing properties, making them beneficial herbs for meals. They have a remarkable ability to absorb water, which can help you feel fuller for longer and curb your appetite. Chia seeds contain a rich array of nutrients that can help stimulate weight-regulating hormones like Glucagon-like peptide-1 and cholecystokinin. This formulation’s ingredients help strengthen the core, even during weight loss.


Incorporating herbs into your weight loss routine can significantly impact your weight loss, offering natural and lasting results. The ten herbs mentioned, such as turmeric, ginger, cumin, and green tea, provide various benefits that can assist in weight loss. These benefits encompass increasing metabolism, suppressing appetite, and enhancing digestion. Including these herbs in a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to thoroughly enjoying their advantages. It is crucial to always consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine. Adding these herbs to your daily routine makes achieving your weight loss goals effortless and efficient.