how do you manage diabetes
how do you manage diabetes

Natural Ways to Control Diabetes with Ayurvedic Herbs

Lifestyle factors are frequently mentioned as the primary contributors. Integrating natural herbs into daily routines can significantly boost the effectiveness of diabetes management. This article focuses on 20 potent Ayurvedic herbs that have been proven to help regulate blood sugar levels and control Diabetes. These herbs, like Ashwagandha, Neem, and Fenugreek, have been recognised for their potential to improve insulin sensitivity and lower glucose levels. Their approach to diabetes management is natural and safe. Let’s explore these 20 Ayurvedic herbs to control Diabetes.

20 Natural Herbs to Control Diabetes


This is an essential component of Ayurvedic therapy for hyperglycemia. It has a warming impact, a powerful scent, and a harsh taste. Ginger and holy basil are two of the most common herbs that go well with it. This plant’s adaptogenic, antipyretic, and purgative effects make it an excellent tool for diabetic management. The many health advantages of this plant have made it famous. It contains neuro-protective qualities in addition to aiding liver cleansing, increasing immunity, providing antioxidants, and purifying the blood. The herb has dual benefits: improving the body’s sugar metabolism and protecting organs from the problem’s possible negative consequences.

Fenugreek Seeds

The Indian naturopathy treatment for diabetes incorporates fenugreek seeds packed with various beneficial nutrients, including mucilaginous fibre, amino acids, saponins, and alkaloids. Fenugreek seeds have a high fibre content, reaching up to 50 percent. This information highlights the seeds’ beneficial effects on blood sugar levels. By reducing the body’s absorption of carbohydrates, the seeds can help lower blood sugar levels after meals.


Ashwagandha intake can be valuable for managing diabetes, especially type 2. Consuming Ashwagandha can have positive effects on blood sugar levels. It also improves insulin sensitivity in muscle cells, producing higher insulin secretion. This therapy can benefit individuals with diabetes.

Neem Leaves

Research suggests that neem leaves may help reduce glucose levels in the blood. Smash the neem leaves before boiling them with water. Before you drink this concoction, filter the extracts. This medicine works wonders when it comes to controlling glucose-induced hyperglycemia.

Bitter Gourd

An ayurvedic herb for diabetic management, this vegetable has extraordinary therapeutic qualities. Despite its rather harsh flavour, this vegetable is nutrition-dense. In addition to minerals like iron, it offers a variety of vital vitamins, including A, B1, B2, and C. The hypoglycemic properties of three compounds—Charantine, Vicine, and polypeptide-P—give this vegetable a distinct edge. All three substances work together to lower blood sugar levels, and the polypeptide helps cells absorb glucose like insulin. Juicing this vegetable first thing in the morning helps keep blood sugar levels steady for at least a day and shields the body from the problem’s negative consequences.

Curry Leaves

Culinary dishes frequently feature aromatic curry leaves. These have the potential to assist in lowering blood sugar levels and enhancing the metabolism of carbohydrates. It is advised to incorporate these into your daily routine on an empty stomach or as part of your meals for optimal results.


In Ayurveda, the belief is that Shilajit, the queen of herbs, can cure any illness or condition. According to Ayurveda, this plant has several uses, including diabetes management. This herb is an excellent choice for the best possible functioning of the liver and all the body’s glands. The pituitary gland, sometimes referred to as the “master gland” because it controls hormone output and the overall health of the body’s glands, is one of the organs that this herb helps to strengthen.

Moringa Leaves

Moringa leaves have been recognised for their potential benefits in managing diabetes. The antioxidants found in these substances have been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity, promote glucose uptake, and help maintain healthy blood glucose levels. These foods contain essential micronutrients such as vitamin A, iron, potassium, vitamin C, protein, and calcium.


Ginseng is highly valued in oriental medicine for its exceptional immune-boosting properties and its effectiveness in diabetes management. This slows down thFor optimal results, it is advised to incorporate these into your daily routine on an empty stomach or as part of your mealse body’s absorption of carbohydrates. Ginseng is capable of enhancing insulin production in the pancreas. Increased insulin facilitates the body’s cells’ efficient absorption of blood sugar, allowing for its conversion into energy.


Consuming sage on an empty stomach can reduce blood glucose levels. This enhances insulin secretion and activity, effectively controlling blood sugar levels in individuals with prediabetes and managing them effectively in those with type 2 diabetes. In addition to its other benefits, it positively impacts liver function and improves immunity. This herb is most effective when consumed as tea, although it is often used to complement meat dishes.

Gymnemate Sylvestre or Gurmar

This herb has a long history of use in Ayurvedic diabetic treatments in India. The product contains gymnemic acids that possess a remarkable capability to inhibit the taste buds on the tongue from perceiving sweetness in various kinds of foods. This herb effectively controls sugar cravings and reduces glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Bilberry extract

There is encouraging evidence that this plant may help with diabetes. People coping with hyperglycemia due to type 2 diabetes may benefit from this therapy, as discussed in this article. Additionally, it highlights how well it controls diabetes mellitus. Glucoquinine, an ingredient in bilberries, reduces blood sugar levels. Those who have trouble seeing because of this illness might benefit significantly from bilberry infusions. It is essential to proceed with caution while taking bilberry infusion with diabetic medication since the combination has the potential to induce dangerously low blood sugar levels. Keep an eye on your blood sugar levels regularly.


Guggul, also known as Commiphora wightii, is a resin used in various Ayurvedic remedies for its positive effects on overall health and wellness. Guggul has shown promising results in improving lipid profiles by reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which makes it a valuable option for diabetes treatment. Additionally, it is highly beneficial for individuals with diabetes to manage their weight effectively.


Research has shown that garlic can benefit individuals with diabetes as it helps regulate blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity. When consumed in moderate amounts, garlic has been found to positively affect fasting blood glucose, A1C levels, and LDL cholesterol. Additionally, it contributes to maintaining heart health by lowering blood pressure and minimising the likelihood of cardiovascular events. Nevertheless, the intense flavour and scent could be seen as a disadvantage.


Ginger is a highly versatile ingredient widely used in Asian cuisines and grown in several countries, including China, India, Australia, Africa, and Jamaica. Like aloe vera, ginger has been used in herbal medicines for centuries, tracing its roots back to ancient times. This aromatic spice is also known for its ability to lower blood glucose levels. Scientific studies have consistently demonstrated the beneficial effects of ginger on blood sugar levels, as it enhances insulin secretion and sensitivity.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper has impressive anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve pain and inflammation. It efficiently aids in weight loss by effectively regulating blood sugar levels and inhibiting insulin receptors. Cayenne is rich in antioxidants that help fight the signs of ageing and counteract the damage caused by free radicals. Not only does it have the ability to decrease insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels, but it can also enhance metabolism. Consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating cayenne pepper into your diet is paramount.

Opuntia Streptacantha

Opuntia streptacantha, also known as prickly pear cactus, has shown promise in treating type 2 diabetes. Some people, especially those who regularly eat broiled stems, may experience a significant decrease in their blood sugar levels, ranging from 17% to 46%. Nevertheless, the future implications of this remain uncertain, and additional research is required to ascertain its long-term effectiveness.


This herb, also known as marjoram, hails from Spain and the Mediterranean. It has been found to contain glycosides that can help lower blood sugar levels. In vitro, the water extracts of oregano demonstrate a notable inhibitory activity against glycosidase. The extract’s Rosmarinic acid has been found to enhance pancreatic amylase activity. In addition, it enhances the immune system. This information highlights the benefits of increasing insulin activity and mobilising glucose in the cells, which can have a positive impact on reducing the rate of carbohydrate formation.

Amla/Indian Gooseberry

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is widely recognised for its remarkable benefits in boosting the immune system and nourishing the skin and hair. Ayurvedic doctors highly recommend Amla as a treatment for diabetes because of its abundant vitamin C content. This antioxidant is essential in helping the body combat harmful free radicals. Studies have also shown that this leaf extract has a notable effect in lowering blood sugar levels. Tea from dried blueberry leaves is frequently used in naturopathy to address diabetes.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle, also known as Silybum marianum, has been the subject of extensive research regarding its potential benefits in managing type 2 diabetes. This text effectively emphasises the possible advantages of the subject, such as its capacity to reduce blood sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Further research is needed to grasp the benefits and safety considerations entirely. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or herbal remedy.


Incorporating Ayurvedic herbs into your diabetes management plan can provide significant health benefits and control diabetes. Scientific studies have demonstrated the positive effects of herbs like Turmeric, Giloy, and Bitter Melon on diabetes control and overall health. Before making any changes to your regimen, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider. However, these natural remedies can be a beneficial addition to existing treatments. Uncover the potential of integrating these 12 Ayurvedic herbs to control your diabetes care routine to enhance your overall health.

20 Ayurvedic Herbs to Control Diabetes Naturally!